Server version 0.2 -- Webservice infrastructure

Posted on Sun 13 November 2016 in my NUC as a server • Tagged with DevOps, infrastructure, LXDLeave a comment

I own the domain which I want to use to host various webservices under different subdomains. I currently have DNS records for, and which I'm using to serve three independent web applications. Two of them are static HTML sites ...

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Server version 0.1 -- OS and monitoring

Posted on Sun 29 May 2016 in my NUC as a server • Tagged with DevOps, infrastructure, Ubuntu, monitoring, netdataLeave a comment

I chose to download and install Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 as there is no difference in the kernel versions and I needed the graphical DE anyway.

The installation process is really easy and straight-forward. I chose to use the whole mSATA SSD under the OS with default LVM configuration. I ...

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What I'm aiming for

Posted on Sun 22 May 2016 in my NUC as a server • Tagged with DevOps, infrastructure, UbuntuLeave a comment

Before I moved my NUC I had two Raspberry Pis (web server and XBMC/Kodi media player) and one Cubietruck (NFS server) under the TV. The NUC will take over those tasks and provide me with better hardware to test new features. As I'm living in a small studio ...

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My hobby project

Posted on Sun 15 May 2016 in my NUC as a server • Tagged with DevOps, infrastructureLeave a comment

So, the main idea behind this blog is to write about what I've done and what I'm about to with this hobby project of mine.

In a nutshell, I want to learn about Linux, servers, networking, infrastructure and all the best-practises there is to set up and manage ...

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I'm starting a blog

Posted on Sat 07 May 2016 in blog • Tagged with DevOps, PelicanLeave a comment

When you're working on a project you need to take notes. And when your project revolves around servers, networking and self-hosting services you may as well set up your own blog.

And so I did just that.

Picking a framework

I could easily have chosen a blogging platform such ...

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